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Customer Support Communities

Peer-to-peer support communities can deflect tickets from your support channels resulting in significant savings. But an engaged community delivers much more, it can increase loyalty and provide you with deep insights into customer needs and pains.

Deflect Support Tickets

Let customers ask and answer questions. Highlight the best answer and reward contributors with reputation points and badges.

Encourage Self-Service

Your community acts like a dynamic knowledge base with SEO optimization that ensures user-generated content ranks high in search engines.

Reduce Customer Churn

When customers share best practices, they get more value for their money and develop a social connections with other customers.

Gather User Feedback and Insights

Tap into ongoing feedback to understand what truly delights your customers and pinpoint their biggest pain points.

Community Made Better With Zendesk

Maximize the power of your support community with our Zendesk integration. Enhance your community with AI-powered sentiment analysis, end-user ticket creation, content conversion to Zendesk Knowledge Base articles, two-way communication, and a customizable AI assistant for streamlined support and collaboration.

Integration Highlights

Automatic Ticket Creation

Federated Search

Sentiment Analysis

Convert Posts to Zendesk Knowledge Base Articles

Built for Support Teams

Knowledge Base

Enhance support with organized articles, advanced search, rich content, analytics, and multiple knowledge bases.

Federated Search

Federated Search

Surface external content from platforms like Zendesk Guide and Skilljar, providing more comprehensive search results and quicker answers.


Encourage interaction and knowledge sharing with Q&A functionality. Users can upvote valuable responses and mark accepted answers.

Gamification & Points

Encourage community participation and peer-based learning with gamification features like points, leaderboards, and badges.

Ready to See How Higher Logic Vanilla Can Help You Succeed?

Find out why we’re the best community platform on the market.