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Higher Logic Vanilla Blog

Tags: Community

Higher Logic Vanilla SEO: How We Help Your Community Rank

Learn how Higher Logic Vanilla optimizes your community for top-ranking SEO factors in four key areas: content optimization, technical SEO, performance and security, and user experience and accessibility.

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Customer support agent

Tags: Community, Customer Experience, Support Deflection

Create a Frictionless Self-Service Support Experience with Higher Logic Vanilla’s Zendesk Integration

Explore the key capabilities of Higher Logic Vanilla's Zendesk integration, and how you can use it to create a seamless customer support experience.

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Tags: Community, Community Strategy

How to Make the Business Case for an Online Community

Use this guide to help you make a convincing business case for investing in an online community, with tips, examples, and stats you can borrow.

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Tags: Community, Community Strategy

How to Build an Online Community: A 3-Step Framework

Want to build or relaunch an online community? Use the three steps in this framework, along with community engagement ideas, to make it a success.

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Tags: AI, Community

Generative AI Bots Are Harvesting Your Online Community’s Data—Here’s What You Can Do About It.

Explore the effects of AI bot crawlers on your online community's health. Learn if banning these bots could enhance or impair community interaction and safety.

Matt Crouse
Matt Crouse
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8 min read

Tags: Community, Support Deflection

8 Reasons Your Customer Support Improves With an Online Community

95% of consumers say customer service is important to their loyalty. So how do you create a customer support experience that puts you on the right side of this stat? Use online community to improve support + increase retention.

Nick Mignogna
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Tags: Community, Community Strategy

What Is an Online Community Forum?

The idea of an online community forum has garnered a fair amount of attention over the past few years, especially since providing top-notch customer experience (CX) has become a priority for many organizations.

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Community + CX: Elevating Self-Service with Higher Logic Vanilla and Zendesk

Community + CX: Elevating Self-Service with Higher Logic Vanilla and Zendesk

Join us for a webinar to explore the latest trends in customer support communities and discover how our expanded Zendesk integrations can elevate your self-service support capabilities.